
Do you want to reach decision-makers, employees, voters, or consumers?
Do you need a new perspective to move forward?
Do you need an interim solution in your communications department?

Communication can be simple, matter-of-fact, and straight to the point. However, depending on the recipient and the situation, you must choose the words carefully to give the best possible effect and avoid creating misunderstandings and causing concern. Therefore, it is essential to understand your target groups, what they think is important, and who, in the particular context, the right spokesperson would be.

A good communication strategy supports the company’s goals and helps you align all communication. Your employees, consumers, and owners will trust you, if you can stand by what your company says at all levels.

You can prevent and minimize issues with good crisis strategy and media training. Regardless of a live panel debate or written non-urgent questions from a trade journal, it is always worth preparing for. We identify what and why they might ask about your business, great answers as well as the messages you want to share while having their attention.

Are you successful in public affairs? Are you doing what you can to influence the conditions for your business? Do you like the relevant regulations, guidelines, and recommendations? You can be sure that someone with a different opinion will do their utmost to inform decision makers from their perspective. It can be for competitive reasons, political principle or misunderstandings. Let’s sort them out.

I have 30 years of experience from communicating various industries and organisations, as a journalist, public affairs manager, and head of communications. I have worked with digitalisation, FMCG, the food industry, innovation development, investor relations, change management, e-health and healthcare, in private and public businesses, startups and listed multi billion dollar companies. Try me – I’m happy to help.

Welcome to get in touch!
Petronella Warg